The Paintings of James Gillick at the Chelsea Flower Show - Natural Beauty!

 Silver Buscuit Barrel & Tongs    294mm x 635mm (11 ¹¹/₁₆” x 25”) Oils on linen over panel


Silver Buscuit Barrel & Tongs    294mm x 635mm (11 ¹¹/₁₆” x 25”) Oils on linen over panel

Catholic English artist James Gillick, shown below making paint with his apprentice in his studio in Lincolnshire, is exhibiting at the Chelsea Flower Show later this month, so if anyone is visiting London at this time, it would be a good chance to acquaint yourself with him and his work.

To view the new work on your device you may visit the digital, printable catalog by clicking here. To view all the new work in greater resolution you may go to his website by clicking here. The site for the show is here: Chelsea Flower Show. It takes place 21st - 26th May. 


James' still lives particularly always attract me and I can't think of a better setting to view his beautiful work than the annual Flower Show which takes place in the 66-acre grounds of the Royal Chelsea Hospital which is a retirement home for Veterans founded in the 17th century.


Benedictine Experience Weekend, St Mary's Monastery, Petersham, Massachusetts, June 22-24.

Benedictine Experience Weekend, St Mary's Monastery, Petersham, Massachusetts, June 22-24.

As the Prophet saith: "Seven times a day I have given praise to Thee" (Ps 118[119]:164), this sacred sevenfold number will be fulfilled by us in this wise if we perform the duties of our service at the time of Lauds, Prime, Tierce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Complin; because it was of these day hours that he hath said: "Seven times a day I have given praise to Thee" (Ps 118[119]:164). For the same Prophet saith of the night watches: "At midnight I arose to confess to Thee" (Ps 118[119]:62). At these times, therefore, let us offer praise to our Creator "for the judgments of His justice;" namely, at Lauds, Prime, Tierce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Complin; and let us rise at night to praise Him (cf Ps 118[119]:164, 62). (Rule of St Benedict, Ch 16

The Praise of Men

The Praise of Men

The lure of adulation, praise, and recognition, is a tempting one. But ultimately it may lead us away from the path God has put us on. Humility is often seen as a weakness, something that keeps us from achieving all that we are capable of. But this is the wrong way to look at it. When we stop seeking the approval of others, we begin to focus our gifts and talents on pleasing God.

The Theology of Taking Your Clothes Off in Class and Painting Naked People

The Theology of Taking Your Clothes Off in Class and Painting Naked People

Contrary to what many people think, and in accordance with Christian tradition, John Paul II was conservative in his approach to the portrayal of the nude in art. He told us that it is only appropriate to portray man naked when shining the with the uncreated light of Christ. In short if we can't show man clothed in glory, show him clothes!

What Makes Christian Art, Christian?

What Makes Christian Art, Christian?

A Christian, who is an artist, who is well grounded in their faith, who has formed their conscience in the teachings of the Church, will produce Christian art. It doesn't matter if it is a portrait, a landscape, a superhero movie, or pop song, that artist will produce work that is consistent with teachings and values of their faith.

A "Christian Artist" is always Christian first, and then an artist, because the gift of artistic talent is the gift that has been given them to preach to the world. That does not mean that the work has to be heavy-handed in its message. It is often better if it is not.